Reviews and endorsements for “Tackling Life"
“Every morning I need a little inspiration without perspiration, and Kevin’s story does that for me. Seeing Kevin attack life’s challenges with passion for what he is doing and compassion for those he is doing it with, is really an inspiring story in itself!”
-Dick Vermeil, former coach of the Philadelphia Eagles
"Kevin Reilly teaches us the greatest accomplishment in life is not in never failing, but in rising again after you fall. This is a story of faith and resilience.”
-Rocky Bleier, Vietnam Veteran and 4-time Super Bowl Champion
“Over the years I have had the great pleasure of meeting successful business people, star athletes, prominent celebrities and even American heroes. As you will learn in this book, Kevin’s perseverance and resolve rival them all.”
-Steve Kupcha, SOC (SEAL) Ret.
Kevin Reilly was living a charmed life. He had fulfilled his lifelong dream of playing in the NFL for his beloved Philadelphia Eagles. Then, Reilly was diagnosed with a rare tumor in his shoulder. In his book, he tells a first hand version of what it was like to undergo surgery that left him without a limb. He details the end of his professional football career and how he endured to create a fulfilling life after such an unexpected shift. Ultimately, the foundation of faith, family, friends, and fortitude developed during his childhood and athletic development allowed Kevin to sustain the crushing end to his dreams, giving him strength in his battle to live, and fuel him through a long running recovery.
Kevin Reilly's story isn't just about survival. It's a journey of overcoming seemingly impossible difficulties to become a real champion and inspiration to others. Despite many experts saying he would never be able to, Kevin went on to do things that will make you marvel at the power of will when confronted with a life-altering challenge.
You will laugh, cry and be inspired by Kevin’s deep faith and incredible resilience. While football fans will certainly enjoy this book, Kevin’ story will touch everyone. It is an incredible story that shares powerful insight into overcoming the challenges we all face throughout life.
“Kevin Reilly made it to the NFL on heart and desire and those same qualities enabled him to overcome even greater challenges off the field. This is an inspiring story and a wonderful read.”
- Ray Didinger, Award winning sportswriter, author, and member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame
“I was close to Kevin during his darkest days. His courage and faith against almost insurmountable odds inspired those of us around him and we urged him to write a book. As I worked with him through this project, I discovered his story was even better than I thought.”
- John Riley, friend and Tackling Life contributor.